Young Scientists Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling

The 10th Young Scientist Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM) will be a satellite activity of J2IFAM dedicated to young researchers who wish to present their scientific work at an International Congress. The deadline for abstract submission and registration is November 25th.
Around 20 of these abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation at the Young Scientist workshop on TCCM on January 31th. Priority will be given to PhD students.
The registration fee for the Young Scientist Workshop on TCCM is 100 € and includes attendance to all presentations taking place on January 31th and attendance, coffee breaks and lunch.
Attendance to the workshop is open not only to young scientist, but also to senior researchers, as attendees. PhD supervisors are specially encouraged to participate in the workshop also as attendees.
For registration, send an e-mail to:
You should include:
​Your abstract, that must use the template provided for the J2IFAM.
Bank transfer receipt. Registration proceeds through Bank transfer (registration fee: 100 €) to the APQTC (Association to promote Theoretical and Computational Chemistry) to/with the following information:
Account number: ES8600496704512510011140
Bank: Santander
Account holder: APQTC
Concept/Description: Name_Surname_YSWorkshop_TCCM
In the body of your e-mail, please include the following information:​
Name, Family Name
Institution Address/Country
Do you apply to be considered for an oral presentation? Yes/No
Indicate your current position: Master Student, PhD student, Dr., Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor…
If you presented an abstract and are a PhD, please, indicate the date/year when you started your PhD. If you already got your PhD, please indicate the date you obtained your PhD.
Invoice information: